High dopamine fasting reddit. 4M subscribers in the unpopularopinion community.
High dopamine fasting reddit Fasting suppresses your immune system and immune response. The limited biological half-life of vaccines tends to require a very rapid & robust response to produce high quality antibodies. Unlike traditional fasting, which restricts food and caloric intake, dry fasting requires the body to rely on its internal water reserves and metabolic reactions for energy. In a dopamine-flooded world, everything is stimulating. If you have any health concerns please talk to your doctor. If you're an adrenaline junkie like I was, then there is a right way and a very wrong way to do this. I noticed my cognitive decline and began dopamine fasting again, so that’s probably why. This is why i tell people to do intermitted fasting and lock themselves in a room for 2-3 days and sleep in dark doing nothing and not talking to anyone, a bat cave healing ya kno. Doing a "fast", for which there is no scientific support, serves no purpose if your adhd isnt treated properly. But I'll now try high dose thiamine (B1) to maybe get to the root cause, because I heard some undermethylators have some b1 receptors shut down by the body and they can be reawaken with high dose B1. That dose of ALCAR all at once is very high. Your brain uses dopamine to determine what to do. Dopamine is a tricky thing, we produce a lot of it and trying to reduce that is a losing battle, not to mention bad for your chemistry. Never knew it was because of my adhd till I started learning more about it. Anna Lembke, author of "Dopamine Nation": Dopamine pathways reset after 30 days of detoxing This is a support group to help with impulsive behaviour towards Eating, Gaming, Gambling, Thrill, and Tech. L-Tyrosine, DHEA, Testosterone, Estrogen, Dihydrotestosterone, GABA, Bromocriptine, Cabergoline, Oxytocin and L-Phenyalanine will all increase dopamine production and because they only enhance the natural production of dopamine, rather than just forcing If we look at a study on the effects of dopamine levels in rats following self-administered dopamine binges and a 1 and 7 day deprivation period, we see that the re-introduction of a dopamine inducing activity doesn’t produce heightened levels of dopamine in the brain after the deprivation period. there is a subreddit), or what I do is actual fasting. ". The dopamine fasting was no reset magical button, but I think it provided me this frame of reference. With dopamine fasting you do it, then you get some benefits and after a while you are back where you left: there is no real change really Dec 21, 2023 · He admits that most people promoting dopamine detox have twisted his argument. Ergo; if you slow it down (like with caffeine), levels go up for a while. Members Online how can i do dopamine detox properly? Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. Personally I would really recommend that one sets out with the goal of doing something like a dopamine detox, with a very general intention of overcoming a challenge for the sake of personal growth and somewhat avoid the "bigger picture". I think the Warrior diet is something like 20 hours fasting and a 4 hour eating window. And after completing them, reward yourself with some high dopamine activity. Yesterday I had a discussion about nootropics for dealing with procrastination. A pleasant homeostasis, if you will. Definitely agree that this has some major positive benefits. Naturally, dopamine was mentioned, along with… COMT is an enzyme responsible for breaking down dopamine. Everything you hear about dopamine here is going to be useless. You are going to crave pleasure stimulation because it makes your brain work better, and because it's about five hundred times more difficult for you to manage it than it is for other people - your dopamine levels are too low. The cause of the high dopamine wouldn't be because you have adhd. The same might be said for one's morning routine. I have felt euphoric during some of my fasts. Cause remember weed doesnt raise your dopamine levels directly. I have been fasting for about 6 months now mainly for weight loss. My Rules and Experience. There is no reset button for life, but if you do the work things get better - maybe not in the speed we want, but in the speed we can. Ok, might as well work. He admits that most people promoting dopamine detox have twisted his argument. For one thing, feeling those urges can work to show just how dependent your mind is for constant stimulation. Dopamine fasting, viewed as a CBT technique, gives you the space to identify your beliefs that create your attraction to a reward and allows you to question them. I'm quitting both, and I'm wondering if there's healthy alternatives that cause the same kind of high as alcohol. I did that and i felt like a new man. ) and this can mess up dopamine release from natural sources (e. Do a Dopamine Fast Posted by u/JackFisherBooks - 22 votes and 1 comment Dopamine Fasting Motivation I plan on doing a 24 hour dopamine fast where I pretty much just drink water and meditate for a whole day and I was curious if anyone has done a dopamine fast and could recommend some ways to keep me busy without dopamine or things they recommend. I was referred to an endocrinologist. I think Dr. Help others attain self-discipline, by sharing what helps you. think about 478K subscribers in the fasting community. [Click here to find out why we have gone… I think you’ve asked this in the wrong subreddit coz huberman lovers are going to say they are addicted to learning and exercise. If it runs too fast, you get low dopamine levels. Then something incredible happened: work itself became a solution to boredom. With that said to me fasting is a reset to baseline which means dopamine goes down, depression goes up, but the latter improves quicker than without the fast. Members Online 24 Hours Dopamine Detox Complete *Time Theorist* MAO: It may be the case MAO-B (mono amine oxidase) is breaking dopamine down too fast, you can check MAO genes roo, as opposed to MAO-A which breaks down serotonin in the brain. We do not allow low-effort posts or anything that violates our rules. I began dedicating a lot to dopamine fasting again. Through geopolitics we attempt to analyze and predict the actions and decisions of nations, or other forms of political power, by means of their geographical characteristics and location in the world. That's more accurate. In the book, Fast Like a Girl, Dr. Can/should I fast after getting one? NO . And they stack together because they all influence the same pathway. I did it for a long period of time (about 3 years) without knowing what it is. The point is not productivity but rather getting your brain hooked off of the high you get so that doing hard work feels more rewarding. So For a day, you are supposed to only drink water, write something, walk around and that's it. There are various mao-b inhibitors herbal and pharmaceutical which would benefit you in this case, but its best to exhaust all other options before you start fucking As far as I understand it, dopamine fasting doesn't really achieve anything in the long term. it's not as unilateral as people think. The concept of a dopamine fast is therefore impossible unless you don't wish to learn. Severed Steel - It's a fast paced FPS with wall running, diving, sliding, and slow down time. I did my very first dopamine fast three days ago. Also try to cut out fast food/fried foods and high sodium foods. “Dopamine fasting” like OP is doing does not increase productivity, but actually reduces wellbeing. Or check it out in the app stores A dopamine reset can also help you break bad habits like constantly checking your smartphone. Yes sort of. I just finished the book ‘Dopamine Nation’ by Anna Lembke, and she suggests that fasting benefits your productivity, focus and motivation by resetting the pleasure pain balance. Low methylation means high "baseline" dopamine, the "noise floor" is raised so to speak. If you simply do not allow for high-dopamine behaviors, the restlessness and boredom can actually enhance your productivity. Members Online Question about the detox. Dec 17, 2024 · My brain felt really good when breaking a 30 hour fast, similar to how I feel at the end of an intensive workout at the gym. Less is sometimes more, and the temporary reduction of dopamine during the fast can actually make the receptors more sensitive and efficient when the dopamine does hit. I disagree with: "Of course Dopamine fasting does not mean that one depletes themselves of any Dopaminergic stimuli - but nobody ever claimed that. People are viewing dopamine as if it was heroin or cocaine, and are fasting in the sense of giving themselves a “tolerance break” so that the pleasures of whatever they are depriving themselves of — food, sex, human contact — will be more intense or vivid when consumed again, believing that depleted dopamine stores will have replenished themselves. It's probably not-enough of something else, like sleep. It's more likely the opposite. ANNOUNCEMENT: This subreddit is growing fast and it’s intended for fans of Dr. This will trigger a stronger than normal pull for more dopamine, but that’s the point. Secondly, the removal of your dopamine inducing habits acts as a platform from which your dopamine-starved brain will yearn for stimulation. Serotonin and dopamine do not function independently of one another. It's also important to note that the people who make claims that dopamine fasts work have made zero attempts at falsifying the claim. Fasting level 108mg/dL or 6 mmol . Having a lower noise floor is important for dopamine to work "right", for the "richness" of life to feel meaningful. If you've found success with soft dopamine fasting, like cutting out porn/drugs, etc. And not on purpose. Some people might got confused about dopamine's function, own brains use it for reinforced learning. There is the side effect of weight gain to look out for. Fasting also modulates dopamine release, which is pivotal for focus and attention. I usually don't 'correct' these terms because - as long as it gets people to simplify/understand what they need to do to implement a change - it doesn't matter too much to me (on the Let's share our experience doing dopamine fast. Hey if anyone has experience with dopamine fasting/detox. The solution is to treat dopamine inducing foods like what they actually are, drugs. Dry fasting is a type of fasting where individuals abstain from both food and water for a certain period. Thats why people with adhd can get easily hooked to social media, video games ect. No junk food that comes in packages. I was inspired in part by YouTuber Niklas Christl and his video on this topic. Boredom’s contrast to productivity makes doing something you previously dreaded or avoided much more attractive. In that month, I completely changed my daily life with something I call dopamine fasting. Say your synapses are exclusive clubs with a line to get in the door the door is the receptor. I have not been able to consistently work on a course that will hopefully assist me in getting a job, but worried it be considered a high dopamine activity. "Increased levels of serotonin can lead to decreased dopamine activity and vice versa. Start with a Dopamine Detox, then maintain a Dopamine Fast. Andrew Huberman. "When one neurotransmitter is altered, there is a change in the function or prevalence of the other substance," Stover says. This has not been proven in any meaningful way. This is beyond reddit's scope of practice. The best way I've found to re-sensitize dopamine is "dopamine fasting". In reality, dopamine is an essential part of learning. It fills a gap. Essentially, abstaining from an activity will you are correct that one of the genetic conditions of adhd is lack of dopamine. This is a support group to help with impulsive behaviour towards Eating, Gaming, Gambling, Thrill, and Tech. Reading paper books to stay occupied, and stay off of the phone which is an attention sucking dopamine generating machine (makes for cravings/needs for dopamine). Dopamine DETOX implies that dopamine is a TOXIN, which as you know now, is absurd. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter with a long list of things it regulates in the brain and throughout the body. Dopamine isn't that simple. You'll find yourself saying, "I'm restless. Geopolitics is focused on the relationship between politics and territory. The dopamine fast is a tool for recalibrating your habits and your life. K (HealthyGamerGG) has a great video on the neuroscience of it and how if you've become desensitized to dopamine you may be able to "detox" and adjust your sensitivity, but that you need to abstain from highly dopaminergic activities for 2+ weeks in order to have the desired effect, because that's how long it takes for your neural pathways to For all of the reasons above, I have decided to go on a 7-day dopamine fast. After that, you've got the hard work to do, and dopamine isn't some magical Oz-like being pulling strings. I take 600mg three times per day, spaced out by 8 hours. If you walk 'correctly' (not falling over) = dopamine, grasping a cup = dopamine and so one. Either you can do that directly (e. But the best effects are when you do it once a day. If you were in an Amish community you would get your dopamine from riding a horse or churning butter or whatever Amish people do. Using a high dopamine activity can be added as a reward for completing difficult work. If you do drink, only do it on the weekends in social settings. doing boring shit for a long time. Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing, by Andrew Kirby. like someone else commented, the times i live this way are some of the most satisfying and productive periods of my life. "dopamine detox" is really just a bad name for it but there is science behind the changes in the mind when you stop doing high dopamine activities, your brain will become more sensitive to dopamine. One of the big issues with any significant dopamine source is after 8 or 9pm. " It was a massive revelation for me, and I wish I'd done this a decade ago! For those of you that don't know a dopamine fast is basically explained as a way to reset the way your brain releases dopamine. This is because, 1. It should be called "reducing dopamine overload by reducing easy empty quick dopamine hits so you can gain natural dopamine from things that are fulfilling". This is a place to ask detailed chemical, pharmacological or other scientific… It's about taking a fast for a day from all the things which give you a dopamine run, which is meant to be an escape from the stack of your problems. To make an analogy. Clearly this introduces several confounding factors that make it hard to atribuye fasting as responsible for improvements or the opposite in any area. The period has now ended, and I wanted to post some reflections. Bromantane and 9-me-bc were the only ones that didn’t cause me severe anxiety. It applies to any dopamine-spiking activity. Cameron Sepah is the popularizer of the concept. " I claim it. Do not practice extended fasting for at least 2 weeks (preferably 3) after you've had a vaccine. Now I cannot sleep much and im becoming Hypomanic please google if your not sure what it is. " High salt = higher serum dopamine You get a surge at the 24-36 hour mark of a fast and onwards. Combining all those elements for fast paced action is just super fun. Meet your goals and improve your life, reddit style! As a reminder, here are the rules of my dopamine fast: 1)No social media. If i could give some advice i recently went on a (mostly) plant-based diet due to reading Genesis and Gods initial intentions and started intermittent fasting along with drinking only water and man do you feel better after getting in this routine health and energy wise. It taught me to not eat just because it's lunch/dinner time, but rather wait until my body really feels hungry. That's how it's a myth. I wonder if the same method could be applied to dopamine control. (I'm not aware of any mental disorders caused by "excess dopamine"I mean maybe tics or ADHD. So there you have it, dopamine detox or fasting is not about detoxing, is not about fasting, and is not even about dopamine. So, you limit 99% of dopamine, which includes music, so that your brain receives much less dopamine. there is plenty of science behind things that elicit dopamine being addictive, and I believe there is science behind repeated dopamine "hits not sure why people are bashing on this, it's an excellent idea. Keep in mind the dopamine fast is NOT designed for treating diseases, fixing mental health issues or managing your diet. It was hard, but the results are surprising. Keto lowers fasting blood glucose because you're barely eating any carbohydrates in the first place, and hepatic gluconeogenesis is not efficient, so it's nearly impossible to have high fasting glucose with extreme carb restriction, even with severe Type 2 Diabetes. Of course most music save for experimental dissonant music give you dopamine. But I think theoretically if you took an MAOI dopamine should be able to cross the blood brain barrier? I have been reading about fasting and how it is very beneficial. I have created a video explaining it all but have summarised parts of the video below in case you don’t want to watch it and to stay in line with the subreddit rules. I think the lesson here is to trust the process, and to give up the silver bullet mentality. NAC, Vitamin C, or Quercetin. For this reason, a lot of people say it can’t penetrate the blood brain barrier. 9-me-bc did nothing for me but I am low dopamine, so my receptors are likely already sensitive. Drinking causes spikes in dopamine, which feels good! Same goes for Cocaine, which causes extreme high spikes in dopamine. Live off of your fat. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 102 votes and 45 comments Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 4 comments Yes!! For years when I was in the pit of my "depression" I would spend hours masturbating over and over again just to bring some dopamine to my sad life. You'd think that fast comt gets rid of all catecholamines incl. Hence you can increase your dopamine sensitivity by lowering your baseline, ie. Note: If you’re still feeling flat and unmotivated after doing this reset, you might consider visiting a psychologist to explore whether the problem isn’t just your dopamine balance and may be a case of clinical depression. Exercise - it helps sensitize your dopamine receptors again, which will make things feel normal. , food, sex, physical 16 votes, 11 comments. Was wondering do you think it's okay to use online courses during? Things like skill share or online lectures. Now anytime I masturbate during the day for a dopamine hit it like triggers this really horrible time in my life. DAILY. I had elevated dopamine as well. I posted on r/DopamineDetoxing in the beginning of March that I intended on doing a full month of a dopamine detox, and wanted to put it on the record to keep myself accountable. A huge proportion of the population clearly isn’t when there are huge numbers of poor, obese sedentary people whose problems could be solved by “addiction” to learning and exercise. Basically taking away majority of externally stimulating activities. If you are like me and many others Dopamine isn't even conceptually linked to pleasure; it's associated with wanting (not liking) - a key distinction especially if you're going to discuss hedonic valence - which is about liking, not wanting. I had basically been eating fast food everyday since college. Dopamine detox is exactly as the name states, even hard work gives you dopamine. Within reason, too much of anything is bad. I had him call me and proceeded to tell him I am HSV+ and he becomes at a loss for words. dopamine "detoxing" helps you feel greater reward from less stimulating activities (eg studying), that's the entire point of it. Even a "dopamine diet" would look something like ADHD crossed with Parkinson's Disease and the side effects of antipsychotics. What you experience as "high" dopamine is actually just high above your baseline. It's shocking how much a short fast can completely re-sensitize your system to feeling pleasure. #This subreddit is now private. Posted by u/robertbruh29 - 5 votes and 5 comments I would think it would be especially helpful. ASAP. My PCP wanted to check my adrenal glands, hence the referral. Whats up m1610, This is Gabe from the radio show. I have also felt very productive. Get the Reddit app Or continue to look at food as a dopamine fix and like a drug. it also helps your attention span and ability to delay satisfaction. I have a lot of energy when I fast and I spend them planning the meal and collecting ingredients. I personally see no harm in people misunderstanding dopamine, please point out if there is. EDIT: half the people in this thread are completely misunderstanding the meaning of the title. See full list on health. harvard. serotonine. Now onto the science: "Dopamine Detox" (and "Dopamine Fasting") is a term coined by the public (not scientists), but it is the language that the public speaks. It inhibits GABA to make dopamine uninhibited. Would like to hear how the restrictions of high dopamine activities affect you and your reward system? I’ve been doing this lately but don’t like referring to it as a dopamine fast as we always will have dopamine going through system, it’s just restricting high dopamine activities to give your receptors a chance to up-regulate and so you can enjoy smaller things. This is called a dopamine detox/fast. Although it significantly decreased my IQ, I somehow managed to get straight-A’s while being in AP classes. Add in meditation. But even using ‘dopamine fasting’ is just plain wrong. Additionally, a significant positive relationship was observed between the urine renalase and serum dopamine among the different dietary interventions. Most of the things OP mentioned avoiding are actually healthy behaviors (listening to music, entertainment, a food treat here and there), when done in moderation even having a beer is a healthy behavior. Brains need dopamine, and ADHD brains need even more dopamine! Fasting allegedly doesn't achieve much, since it's more likely to do harm than good, and if you don't replace the dopamine from "negative" stimuli, then you'll only come back to it. Please help the community by flagging rule violators accordingly. I’m diagnosed bipolar, and it was amazing how quickly my overall day to day mood improved once I changed my diet. High dopamine => brain feels a large pressure to do that activity 19 votes, 48 comments. I undertook a 30 day challenge where I took part in a dopamine detox fast and wanted to share with you what I learnt in the hope that you may benefit from this. We are continually getting hits of dopamine from unnatural sources (e. ie: stop playing video games, watching tiktok, etc and in a month or two you will find it a lot easier to study. Like its too much if you try removing it all at once, and also there I would recommend doing it for real, not just dopamine fasting. If done correctly, "dopamine detox" actually increases real dopamine and can rewire your brain to use that as the primary motivator. The same techniques used to break addiction for thing like nicotine and heroin are effective for breaking junk food dependence. I did a month away from stimulating internet things over winter and it was actually insane how ridiculously easy it was to do things. Also fake dopamine amphetamines or dopamine reuptake inhibitors are similar. Is there too much dopamine/ serotonin now flooding my brain oe subverting? My ridiculously high energy is becoming a burden and frightening because of the hypo. Members Online Dr. Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. I water fast for 5-7 days and have great meals (one a day) during the weekends. This means that dopamine is essential for your brain. It detoxes adrenaline and cortisol. Scan this QR code to download the app now. I have all the symptoms of sufficiently high serotonine. I love the mental clarity I have from fasting. One week would be enough of a break to majorly reset tolerance, two weeks should be back down to pre-overstimulation levels. But your brain learns this and creates other ways to inhibit dopamine when GABA cant so when you smoke all day you wont get the same pleasurable high like in the morning. As part of my dopamine detox, I will eliminate the following 7 things: 1) Social media. edu Aug 25, 2020 · A dopamine fast entails cutting back on or entirely eliminating many of life’s pleasures such as food, sex, social media, socializing, technology, entertainment—even eye contact. Dopamine detox doesn't detox dopamine. The “dopamine fasting” bit implies that they’re trying to give the receptors a break for the sake of reducing their tolerance to dopamine. If you could fast or deprive your brain of dopamine, it would be truly tragic for you. I save a lot but I spend it all on good food when I break my fast. you will love hard dopamine fasting, aka visual and audio deprivation for 90+ minutes. So you keep scrolling looking for more dopamine until you realise you aren't getting any so you either switch to pornography, Instagram, or getting off the phone altogether. So, track all the low dopamine activities that you do: cleaning your room, reading a book, working, exercising. I completed my first month no alcohol or cocaine (weekend user) also no orgasms/porn whatsoever. Recent studies have found that dopamine isn't fully responsible for the pleasure you feel when you do pleasurable things. It's a NDRI, a noreponephrine-dopamine-reuptske-inhibitor. Members Online Shock-Light123 But dopamine fast can be beneficial if you do it for a short amount of time such as 3 days to 7 days then going full lifestyle. See the Required Reading for more. Chris explains his "sea level" analogy here: Tonic dopamine. In a dopamine detox, we take away the high dopamine spikes generated by companies psychologically designed to target our dopamine receptors, and allow ourselves to be bored. Hell, even therapy to talk to someone about why you turn to food for these dopamine hits- which has helped my friends that don't fast lose weight in general. Share your burning hot takes and unpopular opinions! I dopamine fast every sunday, Shotout r/DopamineDetoxing. Edit: you should see if they'll do a 24 hour urine analysis. If you want to increase natural dopamine production then you should take something that affects hormones or the dopamine production process. Intermittent Fasting (IF) is way of eating that restricts *when* you eat, usually on a daily… A "dopamine fast" or whatever that is will just make your situation worse, and seeking other "dopamine highs" is a slippery slope. Create unnaturally high dopamine spikes, which then depress baseline dopamine levels which gets the addict to seek more of the drug to feel ‘normal’. One explanation i can think of is your body utilizing ketosis, which the metabolism of two compounds (acetone and betahydoxbutryic acid) can change ion channels (the receptors of neurological signals) in a similar manner to anesthetics (i actually did a project on this in school based on a study it's really interesting, especially looking at the use of a keto diet on certain I'll be great for a day, good the next, average the day after, and then realise after 3 or 4 days, I've been pushing myself too far, too fast and have too many aches and pains and the one rest day, becomes several months! I studied for 3-4 months for the MCAT, never scoring above a 510 on practice tests, and I got a 508 on the real test. Try a lower dose. About a month later, I retook and scored 517 (with similarly high practice tests in the week before). If you go from fapping once a day to once a week that once a week orgasm is going to be exponentially better than the 7 orgasms during the week. If you wanted to do a dopamine fast, technically you could take a high dose of antipsychotics. Dopamine fasting, or dopamine detox, is a technique that consists of completely abstaining from any experience that brings you pleasure, especially addictive technologies; like social media, doom scrolling, internet, youtube, reddit, listening to music, videogames, texting, etc. Fasting was the original "dopamine fasting" before dopamine fasting was even a thing. 5 weeks ago my brain was used to getting FLOODS of dopamine, from Youtube, video games, social media, music, etc. Also the side effect of feeling flat, but if you are trying to fast from dopamine, feeling flat is pretty much your objective . Mindy Pelz says research and in her practice… The idea of a dopamine fast is to limit the amount of dopamine your brain receives. Dopamine fast is not a magical cure. The reason for it was that I was going through a depression phase with low self-esteem, low confidence, extreme self hate, self harm and sometimes suicide attempts. Also, 24-hour urinary sodium excretion positively correlated with urine renalase and serum dopamine in the whole population. This. I haven't watched this particular video, but Dr. g. Day #1 - Join me in the Dopamine Fasting Challenge during the COVID Self Isolation! Meditate for peace, health, and happiness… 886K subscribers in the intermittentfasting community. Quercetin may be more advantageous in that it can slow down the COMT enzyme a bit which degrades dopamine in some brain areas. My once crippling anxiety was literally nonexistent for the first time in my life. Abstain - delete twitter, tiktok, what have you Fasting - whether it is indulging on high dopamine treats or high dopamine activity, fasting will help you sensitize yourself again High fasting glucose but normal A1c. Dopamine is only one neurotransmitter; serotonin, noradrenaline, and GABA all work in synergy to achieve what you desire. Much like histamine, dopamine's regulation depends on methylation. Afterall, whereas dopamine is not THE reward chemical, it is involved in the reward system, and probably people only care about that. Stimulating your brain is the last thing you want to do so cutting eating, surfing, gaming, or any other heavy dopamine sources makes sense. , phone notifications, social media, pornography etc. Doing it every day is more important than doing it well. I was always playing a game called random dice on my phone before, but I haven't played it once since my fast and haven't missed it at all. This includes YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Discord, etc. "Detox" is probably a misnomer, as you can't technically detox from dopamine the way you would cigarettes or coffee, as it's actually an important chemical in the body, but basically, the idea is to give up activities which trigger a high dopamine response (this would include much of the Internet, especially social media, gaming, and euphoric 27 votes, 26 comments. I started slowly fasting with OMAD moved on to ADF. I think the idea is that anything that provides a dopamine pleasure response (like checking social media, etc) will develop a neurochemical "trained" response, which can feed an addictive cycle. Now I do 72 hour fasts 2 times a week and a 20-24 hour fast on Sundays. Reply reply Completely fasting from all forms of these conditioned behaviors will be very difficult at first, but the idea is that it resets dopamine transmission related to some of those behaviors. Leangains I believe uses fasting every day where you fast for like 18 hours and can eat for 6 or something like that. 4M subscribers in the unpopularopinion community. Start with daily exercise. Not just is it a gateway into eating disorders (and this road is incredibly gradual and slippery - partially as the high dopamine induced by fasting coupled with the "I am so proud of myself" is highly addictive, it also kills metabolism (in the long run), impairs noradrenaline signaling (often called "adrenal fatigue"), reduces thyroid Look into Wellbutrin (bupropion). Just wanted to make this clear, that intermittent fasting has been shown to increase D2 receptors, BUT when I was giving this advice it was mor Coffee is a drug, it gives you an initial High of dopamine (along with cortisol, a stress hormone), but after you're hooked your max productivity lowers and only drinking coffee will make you function normally (and without that first high you got at the beginning of the habit formation) "But research says it has health benefits" When you are low on dopamine your body rushes to make more and your receptors are aware of this I think it's the purposes or anticipation of the dopamine. the things I'm thinking of, and going to try are Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. There are people with brain damage, who have low levels of Try doing a dopamine fast. Don’t drink, do drugs, or smoke weed. Lost almost 40 pounds in 2 months and I know how to cook good food. 40K subscribers in the AskDrugNerds community. Posted by u/carnivoreaurelius - 65 votes and 34 comments DD has nothing to do with productivity directly. There is zero evidence in support of the claimed benefits of dopamine fasting. What I recommend is just fasting a couple days out of the week so you aren't making every day more complicated. Members Online Head_Masterpiece_520 This is a support group to help with impulsive behaviour towards Eating, Gaming, Gambling, Thrill, and Tech. No Netflix, Reddit, or YouTube (blocked with Cold Turkey app). I was on such a dopamine high from our date that I was ready to commit and put it all out there too because I felt like the eccentric connection between us over one fucking lunch was enough to gauge next steps. From what I understand it's a misnomer, you can't really fast from dopamine you can only shift how and why it is released. Now, there might be exceptions with certain diseases, but generally the brain seems to tolerate dopamine pretty well. Exercise will balance dopamine as best as it can be. I been fasting for the last 8 weeks 18 hours minimum per day and right now I feel amazing, Music sounds next level, name any drug and I can guarantee you none match up to how emotionally charged up I feel. A real "dopamine fast" would look more like neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Junk food has a high amount of calories which is linked to survival in evolutionary biology, so that explains the high dopamine releases caused by junk food. Antipsychotics work by blocking dopamine. Instead, they work together to create complex patterns of behavior. "Dopaminergic fasting" could end up in people actually leaving some unhealthy habits. It's used to help quit smoking, against narcolepsy, around seventh in line for what doctors prescribe against depression, and may be used as an "if all else fails" ADHD medication, but it targets the dopamine reuptake which we all know is a great part of what messes us up. But whether that's "excess dopamine" or dopamine dysregulation is hard to say). Contrary to the name dopamine detox or fasting, the goal is NOT to reduce dopamine, but to reduce the "time spent on problematic behaviors”. Stimulant medications work to correct this deficiency. All of the things we try to avoid during dopamine detox (gaming, surfing internet, etc) makes it hard for even people without ADHD to maintain focus; for someone with ADHD, it seems like it’d be especially helpful to try to reset and focus on less stimulating things- walking, petting their dog, reading, etc So dopamine is metabolised very fast in the bloodstream, in about 30 seconds by Monoamine oxidase (MAO). fuyabb rephe zvxfrlk zzrlg bmeznlji fsd kwwx ymhva alyczl qvib sleai mnvifghl dmdwwp kbtqmy vjwj